Robyn Hood in SA September and October!
We are delighted to have Robyn coming back to South Africa this year. I thought it might interest our readers to know more about her!
What about the Tellington TTouch Method is most important to you?
Robyn Hood replied: “The most significant thing is how the work helps people change the way they see their animals. That’s the most rewarding thing for me and I see how lots and lots of people change their attitude in many other situations too. The great thing is that we don’t have to push it on them; it just happens.”
“I’m feeling like I’m the best person I can be when I do the work. I have infinite patience with the people and their animals, and I don’t in every aspect of my life, but the Tellington TTouch work powerfully influences the way I work with people and animals. When you have enough tools you can just quietly persist and, if you have no attachment to the outcome, you watch to see what happens. Amazing changes occur.”
Linda contributed: “There are really no words to adequately thank my sister, Robyn, for the contributions she has made to the development, dissemination and teaching of the work for 30+ years. Robyn has refined and many details to tools and techniques of our work.”
Robyn and her husband, Phil, have been importing and breeding Icelandic horses since 1976. The Icelandic Horse Farm is the venue for many of Robyn’s workshops and trainings. For the past few years, daughter Mandy Pretty has joined Robyn in teaching. Visit their farm online at
“Dear Robyn, Your workshop was absolutely wonderful in so many ways, thank you. You and Susan and Christine and Mandy (and of course Sue) all made us feel right at home. The food was fabulous, the snacks and cold drinks always so appreciated, your interest in our personal horse issues along with your thoughtful ways of responding was wonderful. Every detail, including music to ride to, photos of us, handouts, the trail ride, – so many things that made us feel cared about.” Robin Wellington
“Dear Robyn, Just wanted to thank you again for the truly outstanding clinic. Even though I was tired from the drive, I was so excited to try some things with Brana that I got right out there this morning and we had a lovely time. After doing touches and connected ground work, I started doing S turns and circles over obstacles with my body without touching her and she followed me all over. It made me cry. Thanks for the best summer camp a person could have!” Linda Eddy
How do you feel about having your daughter do the Tellington Method with you?
“I am very happy because so often it’s so very difficult for young people to do what their parents do — you can’t make your parents passion your own. Mandy didn’t intend to “do” the work and after college she decided to get involved.
“It’s really an honour to watch her work because she’s her own person completely and has a great way with people and horses. It makes me really proud.”