Trainer, teacher, animal therapist, author, Linda Tellington-Jones has earned all of these titles over the course of her incredible 30 year career with animals. Hailed by animal lovers, top trainers and competitors in the equestrian world, veterinarians, physicians and research scientists, Linda and her revolutionary Tellington TTouch and TTEAM (Tellington Touch Every Animal Method) is changing the way humans relate to animals around the world.
Through the development of TTEAM, Linda Tellington-Jones has created a method of animal training, healing and communication that allows people to relate to animals in a deeper, more compassionate way. TTEAM enfolds touch, movement, body language and instructional techniques into a form that permits the animal to learn and heal in a painless and anxiety-free environment. With TTEAM, a human/animal bond is formed that is based on mutual trust and culminates in joy, understanding, and honouring of the animal’s spirit.
As an internationally acclaimed authority on animal behaviour, training and healing, Linda has given presentations and demonstrations on TTEAM at veterinary conferences, universities, equestrian expositions, NAHRA and Delta Society world conferences, therapeutic riding associations, Olympic training centres, wildlife rehabilitation conferences, and zoos throughout the world. In May, 2001 she taught TTEAM to veterinarians and vet students at the University of Zurich. This was her fourth visit to that prestigious school. The University of Minnesota has just announced the addition TTEAM to the curriculum of their veterinary and medical schools beginning June, 2002. Linda will be teaching the first classes.
Linda has written ten books about TTouch and TTEAM which have been printed in eleven languages. She has also produced 18 videos relating to horses, dogs, cats, and llamas. Her most recent works include a book, Getting In TTOUCH With Your Dog and a companion video, “Unleashing Your Dog’s Potential.” She’s currently working on a new book to be released next year.
Linda and her work have been written about in numerous publications, including Equus; Practical Horseman; Modern Horse Breeding; Horseman; Good Dog, Massage Therapy Journal; New Age Journal; ASPCA Report; American Way; American Kennel Club Gazette; and Woman’s Day.
Among her many awards, Linda has received the 1997 Master Instructor Award from the American Riding Instructors Association, the 1994 Horsewoman of the Year Award from the North American Horsemen’s Association, the 1992 Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Riding Instructors Association and the 1969 Award for Creative Citizenship from the State of California.
Linda’s passion is for spreading her message of awareness through TTouch to animal owners everywhere. Through her books, seminars and training videos, she hopes that animal lovers around the world will learn the magic of TTouch. For more information about TTouch and TTEAM, visit Linda’s website at